Track the transformation of automakers on Industry 4.0 tracks

Accelerating in the tracks of Industry 4.0, the automakers are increasingly intelligent and connected - at the same time, more productive. Robots have been performing specific functions on assembly lines since the 1980s. They are no longer new. Today, a new transformation begins to give a "digital life" to every factory.

Connected and monitored by various types of sensors, robotic arms that initially had very specific and restricted functions are now able to communicate with one another by exchanging data and information. In assembly lines like this, the Internet of Things has been a reality for some time.

Going back a bit in history, the concept of production line was created by Henry Ford, still early in the 20th century. Each workstation is responsible for a part of the new vehicle. The concept continues! But even in gigantic, old factories like this one at Volkswagen, in Wolfsburg, Germany, most humans have been replaced by machines. Still, more than 70,000 people work there. The production follows at full throttle: 3000 thousand new cars are produced every day!

The first step in this transformation began with the digitization of the factory floor. A complete virtual model of the plant - including its processes - is produced through specific 3D projection software. On the screen it is possible to simulate virtually any stage of production; whether it's a new product or even plant infrastructure issues. All in minute details and physical properties identical to real ones. Testing at the virtual ensures that the manufacturing avoids errors. This is not to mention the end of the need to stop the production line to perform any type of test.


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