Learn how to ask Netflix to include your favorite TV series or movie

Few people know, but there is a fairly simple (and the only official) way of asking Netflix to include in the catalog that movie or TV series that you both like but that is not available on the service: an exclusive form for that on the site from the company.

The process is quick and easy. Just visit the TV series or movies request page in the Help Center, fill in the title of the desired work and click on "Send suggestion". Yes, it takes some work to get there, but nothing that we do not facilitate here. You can enter up to three titles at a time, and Netflix ensures that you keep records of subscriber requests, that is, one submission is sufficient. If your request is met, the company will contact you to let you know.
The data collected helps Netflix plan its acquisitions, but not always a large volume of orders is a guarantee of success. According to the company, several factors may hinder the licensing of works produced by third parties. If another company already owns the exclusive rights to a production, for example, the chances of Netflix being able to include them in the catalog are lower. The same happens if they are too expensive or unpopular.

Oh, and a final reminder: You must be logged in with an active account in the service to gain access to the title request form. Only then can Netflix ensure that the orders are from actual subscribers and that you can advise them of the purchases if they happen.

Now, how about seizing 20 ways to get even more out of your Netflix subscription while your suggestions are not included in the catalog?


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